DPCMH Association- Since 2010 our mission has been to help empower patients and physicians to improve the quality of health care and make it more affordable by providing resources to support the direct care model
What is DPC and DPCMH?
Direct primary care (DPC) is primary care offered directly to patients, without the use of insurance. It involves patients paying directly for their health care services in either a monthly, yearly, or daily format between patients and health care providers. DPCMH is a term that has been used as an acronym to describe the Direct Primary Care Medical Home, The Direct Patient Centered Medical Home, and the Direct Physician Care Medical Home. All of these terms encompass the qualities recognized in the PCMH model as well as the benefits derived by Direct Care Models. The term DPCMH is even mentioned in Section 1301 A-3 of the Affordable Care Act.
How DPC is shaping the future of medicine?
Day by day another physician has thrown their hands up at the current system of see more get less. DPC can help those physicians have another alternative. DPC creates a lower stress practice, removing pressures from insurance companies that are pushing physicians to see more patients with lower reimbursements. Now the power is back in the hands of the patient and their health care provider with longer visits, better management of chronic diseases, and a personalized approach that patients come to expect in caring for their health.
Article from the AAFP on DPC
AAFP information about DPC
Companies/Organizations that currently support the DPCMH Association: